The David Bacon Photography Archive at Stanford

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This site showcases the David Bacon Photography Archive at Stanford and provides a digital companion to the 2023 Green Library exhibit of Bacon's work titled "Work and Social Justice." Bacon's photography documents the lives and social movements of migrants, farm workers, and communities impacted by globalization. His work spans multiple geographic regions including the United States, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and Iraq with an emphasis on California and the US/Mexico Border.


Data and More from Stanford's Cutting Edge Researchers

This collection includes research outputs from Stanford-associated researchers on the wide variety of topics and fields under investigation at Stanford University, including statistics, engineering, biology, chemistry, social sciences, humanities, medicine, physics, geosciences, and the environment.


Movements for Change

Movements for Change contains iconic images of the movements for civil rights and social justice by Watsonville, California photographer Bob Fitch, spanning the period 1965-present, and includes images of Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, and Dorothy Day, among others.


新基建加速我国经济由大向强转变:2021-4-8 · 还应看到,我国是人口大国、制造大国和互联网大国,具有其他国家无可比拟的发展数字经济的市场规模条件,新型基础设施具有丰富的应用场景和广阔的市场空间。加快新型基础设施建设,是实现我国经济由大向强转变的加速器。 新型基础设施的特点和作用

Parker Library on the Web is a digital exhibit designed to support use and study of the manuscripts in the historic Parker Library at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.

Mining Maps and Views

This collection focuses on mining maps throughout the western United States with an emphasis on detailed claims, locations, and bird's eye views. These materials highlight issues such as land use, resource extraction, settlement patterns, and the opening of the West.